417 S Hickory St, Jesup GA
Members Make a Difference
By becoming a sponsor of the Wayne County Arts Council, you're helping to support numerous programs each year, including classes, concerts, theater productions, and more.
Members and sponsors receive discounts on classes and events, and invitations to special members-only events, plus it's a great way to network with other artists.
Please make a donation as an individual, family, or corporate sponsor. Corporate sponsors will be given a banner ad on our home page as a thank you plus other great incentives.
The Wayne County Arts Council, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, which means your contribution may be tax-deductible.
Member Information
Active Member
Yearly dues
Individual - $20
Family - $35
Come to at least one meeting per quarter
Lead or assist in at least one meeting per month
Discount on classes.
Membership Recognition
Free Art entry in exhibits
Opportunities to teach classes
Patron Member
Yearly dues
Individual - $20
Family - $35
Discount on classes.
Recognition as patron
Become a Patron of the Arts
Gold Patron - $1000/year
Banner Ad on our website
Discount on all WCAC activities
Reserve seating at productions/events for a party of 4
VIP invitation for a party of 4 to meet entertainment at the event party
Free handmade gift
Silver Patron - $500/year
Banner ad on our website
Discount on all WCAC activities
Reserve seating at productions/events for a party of 4
Free handmade gift
Bronze Patron - $250/year
Banner ad on our website
Discount on all WCAC activities
Free handmade gift
Patron - Any Amount
Discount on all WCAC activities
Free handmade gift
The Wayne County Arts Council, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, which means sponsorship may be tax-deductible.