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We offer a wide variety of classes for artists with many interests and levels of experience. Check weekly for new activities and events.

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Starry Night Do-over

Limited Space Pre Reg-now!

Fo those of you that missed it. Lets have a do over.  I hope it doesn't snow.


Starry Starry Night. Customize your piece with chromatic colors in  this easy variation of stary night


​Step by Step instruction. $25 per person. All supplies included. Bring your favorite beverage and a snack.

Instructor: Rachel Illingsworth

Pre-register: FB or IG Messenger:  AquaKittyToo

or text 585-233-9864

Friday, Feb 28th |  7pm - 9pm (21+ )

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Kids Art Classes

Is your child interested in Art? Learn the basics in a real kids' art class.  The classes build upon each other, so it is best to do both classes.

$50 per month.  Limited space! Pre-register.

Instructors: Rachel Illingsworth and Jaime Moody

Pre-register: FB or IG Messenger:  AquaKittyToo

or text 585-233-9864

Jan 13th |  4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Jan 27th |  4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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Teen Art Classes

Is your Teen interested in Art? Learn the basics in a real kids' art class.  The classes build upon each other, so it is best to do both classes.

$50 per month.  Limited space! Pre-register.

Instructors: Rachel Illingsworth and Jaime Moody

Pre-register: FB or IG Messenger:  AquaKittyToo

or text 585-233-9864

Jan 13th |  5:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Jan 27th |  5:30 pm - 6:00 pm

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Regular Gatherings

Sometimes artists want to be alone together.  These are weekly and monthly reoccurring gatherings hosted by members. 

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Crochet Cafe

Come hangout and enjoy some good company and yummy refreshments. Stay for a little while or stay the whole time.

Winter version of a crochet flash mob only indoors with heat and snacks.​

Facilitator: Jaime Moody

Walk in or let us know you'll be there:  

Call or text 912-255-2993

Feb 27th   |  4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Image by dusan jovic
Open Studio - Mornings

Bring a project to work on. Enjoy the company of artists while you create or discuss your work. 

Facilitator: Jaime Moody

Walk in or let us know you'll be there:  

Call or text 912-255-2993

Members - Free  |  Non-members - $3 donation

Monday   |  9:00 am  - 12:00 pm

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Open Studio - Evenings

Bring a project to work on. Enjoy the company of artists while you create or discuss your work. 

Facilitator: Rachel Illingsworth

Walk in or let us know you'll be there:

FB Messenger:  AquaKittyToo 

Members - Free  |  Non-members - $3 donation

Tuesdays   |  6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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